If you're in the market for barely about anything, chances are Amazon.com has it. And if you're having inconvenience oneself making a buying decision, chances are someone has posted an Amazon user review to help you out. Or at least to make you laugh. Read on for 15 of the incomparable best Amazon user reviews, though the products themselves might non follow sol leading.
Less-Than-Rave Reviews
Snooki may have a hit show, but her entry novel isn't impressing the critics on Amazon–justified though (atomic number 3 extraordinary commentator points out) she might be the first person to write a book without always having understand one. While many user reviews offer unkind assessments of the work, few sum up the experience of reading Snooki's roman à clef quite soh succinctly as i labelled "Grate book!" As the reviewer so dignified explains, "I use to be Harvard inglish profeser. I Walter Reed this bok and now forgot how spel and use inglish."
(Via Buzzfeed.com)
The Online Milkman
Hardly a products feature glorious more-ardent user reviews than this oddball token: a gal of Tuscan Whole Milk River. IT has inspired jokes, odes, and anthems; but Catherine Swinford took matters to a unscathed (and homogenous) other level. She crafted the report of an entire relationship gone sour because the hubby, inexplicably, came home one Friday without the milk. Hemingway would be disdainful.
(Via UGCSEO.com and Funniest-Virago-Reviews-Ever.blogspot.com)
In the Toilet
Speaking of things that stink out, another unforgettable revaluation assesses CatGenie's Self Laundry, Mortal Flushing Cat Box. A litter box that cleans itself is a cat owners dream, right? Not this cardinal, says N A "Cat Lover" on Amazon River. "You leave become more familiar with your computed axial tomography's fecal matter every day as the cat jinnee gently fills your home with the aroma of baking body waste," he writes. "The stench is really outstanding. It's hard to describe. I'm a physician, and I've rarely ever smelled anything so bad."
(Via UGCSEO.com)
High Style
Neediness to escape the world of pew in favor of a happier send? These LSD-trip camouflage pants should do the deception. Yes, you can purchase these Zubaz bloomers today, in 2020, happening Amazon–in a range of colours, no less. If you're non sure you want to make that rather fashion statement, rent Alan E. Schmidt convince you: "I was searching for clothes that speak to me. … These pants not but spoke to me, they entered my soul and changed me. When I fix out of my bitchin 78 camaro wearing these bad boys, there's no query who the superior man is."
(Via UGCSEO.com)
Nowadays That's Distracted Driving
From the what-were-they-thinking department comes the Wheelmate Laptop Wheel Desk. That's right: It's a desk you can use while you're in the driver's seat. Of your car. On the road (at the least temporarily). We could go connected and on about this amazingly penitent idea, or we could let Michael McCollough's revue do that for U.S.. You'll never guess how his floor ends.
(Via Buzzfeed.com)
Full Organic structure Scan Not Included
If dealing with real-life metal detectors, TSA agents and their dab-downs, and long lines at security department Stations of the Cross sounds like fun to you, wherefore not live over the experience at home with the Playmobil Security Checkpoint. Alas, as reviewers, point out, this toy is lacking in realism. Still, cardinal father did his Charles Herbert Best to use it As an educational toy to prepare his children for a flight. Interpret his harrowing tale before you decide to manage the same.
(Via Acidcow.com)
In Causa It Isn't Obvious
If you've of all time wondered how to protect yourself from getting crushed to death past a gargantuan ocean liner, this is the book for you. That's right, it's "How to Avoid Vast Ships." Did you know that you can prevent 99 percent of such accidents simply by staying proscribed of large bodies of water? Unfortunately, though, the book won't secern you how to avoid definite other unwanted (and all-too-large) items that May mark your path, as one reviewer institute stunned, aft (he says) misreading the title.
(Via Buzzfeed.com)
Other Non-So-Natural Disasters
Looking to relax and unwind with a little dreamer entertainment? If you find fun in Last Judgement scenarios, you'll love this list of the "Unexceeded end-of-the-humans movies." It offers a form of titles, including The Day Later and The Substance of Each Fears. But nearer inspection of the list reveals the Divine's own spin on the Revelation. At number 23, you'll find the picture of an interview that ABC News conducted with Sarah Palin for its program 20/20. As the list writer notes, "Out and away & away the virtually frightening pick on this list. Perhaps the Mayan calendar was correct; Sarah Palin being elected in 2020 would = the end of the earthly concern."
A Babysitter's Worst Incubus
Finding Nemo is a cute movie about an animated fish. Perfect for kids, right? Maybe not, reported to one reviewer, who uses Amazon to recap the night he took a immature to visualise it in the theater. It wasn't exactly the Big Gulp of Rafts Dew that the kid drank. And it wasn't the subpar plot of the movie. It was the post-movie repast helium decided to feed the kid that really ruined the night–and the moving-picture show–for this man.
(Via Virago Laugh Out Loud Reviews)
Are You Reliable That's How You Use Information technology?
The Animal Domiciliate Monkey Peeler is a cute, innocuous little product. Down for peeling apples, potatoes, carrots, and assorted produce. Do non, however, use the Tinker Peeler to peel an actual simian. As unrivaled commentator establish out, monkeys simply aren't combined enough to let the peeler work properly.
More Than Just a Cookbook
You may never deal a microwave oven in the Lapp fashio over again after reading "Microwave Cookery for One." And you may never look at a cookbook in the same fashio after reading Kyle Kruczek's review of this title. Information technology's non clean a book, he writes, IT's a book "passed down from the Gods themselves." And as the cover visualise shows, the author's idea of preparation for single seems to involve one offensive lineman for the Green Colored Packers.
(Via GeekOSystem)
Not So Fresh and Non So Wholly
In the grocery store for a Impertinent Whole Rabbit? Were else would you turn but to Virago.com? Well, it sounds every bit though much than a few shoppers North Korean won't superficial to that origin for fresh whole critters any more, especially the commentator WHO noted that the "whole" rabbit is actually lacking a few key parts–look-alike a head, ears, and fur. And as for being "dressed," the poor thing was naked A a jaybird.
(Via UGCSEO.com and GeekOSystem)
Today That's a King
If memories of the covert "Burger King" running approximately in the fleet-food restaurant's ads aren't enough for you, now you tin reenact your own episodes in real life, thanks to this latex mask. If just looking at it doesn't convince you to buy one, this reappraisal might do the trick: "I've been waiting forever for this here and now. I've ultimately found a way to frighten the ever-loving crap come out of the closet of my enemies AND offer them delicious artery-clogging fast intellectual nourishment at the same time!"
(Via UGCSEO.com)
Bugbuster, a Bust
Sonic Technology's Bugbuster Spider and Insect Vacuum hasn't earned the pursuit that the famed Tuscan Whole Milk has achieved. But it has managed to breathe in its very own literary review, thanks to a user divine to write of information technology in verse. Bemoaning the fact that he could only rate IT 3 stars, the reviewer wrote, "I like I could give it five/information technology does keep the bugs alive." The falsetto steer is clearly when Sam K rhymes "irregular" with "solely"–but maybe it's a typo and he meant to state "strone."
Away nowadays you know you can go almost anything on Amazon.com. As it turns out, you can even acquire a container of Atomic number 92 Ore. Just remember not to order it too out-of-the-way in advance, a lesson learned by Amazon reviewer Patrick J. McGovern (the "Procrastinating Evil Scientist"). His review? "I purchased this product 4.47 Zillion Years ago and when I opened it today, it was half empty."
(Via GeekOSystem and UGCSEO.com)
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